Monday, March 3, 2008

A very singular protest

Came across this rally yesterday. There were about 20 - 25 people with their head in a box protesting against people watching TV heading to the Mayor's Office. 

The guy leading the rally, Mr. TV himself, was shouting things like: “You don't need to think who you'll vote for, I'll tell you” and “Don't ask what the government is doing, just watch tonight's soap opera”.

As expected, haven't seen this news on any TV channel.

Have you seen something like this in your city?

You can see a few more pictures here.

Ayer me tocó ver esta protesta. Eran aproximadamente 20 - 25 personas con una caja en la cabeza protestando para que la gente no vea TV caminando rumbo a la alcaldía.

El líder de la protesta, nada menos que el Sr. TV, gritaba frases como: “No necesitan pensar por quien votar, yo les voy a decir” y  “No pregunten que hace su gobierno, sólo vean la novela hoy en la noche”.

Como era de esperarse, no he visto la nota en ningún canal de TV.

¿Habían visto algo parecido en su ciudad?

Pueden ver algunas otras fotos aquí.


George Townboy said...

This is so funny! I love the series, but in particular the one in front of the 7-11! That has to be a classic.

Chris said...

Hola! I have been to Monterrey and am thrilled you've started your blog. I actually went to school in Saltillo for a summer semester while I was in college (ages ago). I'll be thrilled to see how the area has changed.