Thursday, September 18, 2008

Enjoying the Act - Traditional Dances Series 2.1

This is the second series of the Traditional Series that started a few weeks ago.

Everybody seems interested in the act, and the dancers look like their enjoying themselves.

This is a traditional dance from the southern State of Campeche. Before starting they explained that their dances were heavily influenced by Spain. And I found a Spain (España) Ad right behind it, very fitting for the moment!

Esta es la segunda serie de los Bailes Tradicionales que comenzó hace un par de semanas.

Todos parecen disfrutar la función y los bailarines se ven que disfrutan su baile.

Este es un baile tradicional del Estado sureño de Campeche. Antes de comenzar explicaron que sus bailes estaban influenciados por España. Encontré el anuncio de España justo detrás de ellos, hasta parecía estar ahí para ellos.

1 comment:

Ineke said...

the girl looks a bit shy but also exciliarated.