Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Staircase at the Post Office

This is the staircase that leads into the side entrance of Monterrey's Post Office.

You can see the detail carved into the bottom part of the handrails, which is reminiscent of the Feathered Serpent worshipped by many ancient cultures in prehispanic Mexico, such as the Mayan god Kukulkan which they had at the bottom of the staircase at their pyramids.

Esta es la escalera que lleva a una de las entradas laterales de la Oficina de Correos de Monterrey.

Pueden ver el detalle en la parte inferior del pasamanos, que recuerda a la Serpiente Emplumada adorada por las culturas prehispánicas que existieron en México, como el dios Maya Kukulkán el cual pusieron en la parte inferior de las escaleras de sus pirámides.

1 comment:

Lowell said...

Very impressive and I'm glad to learn that my guess of Mayan was more or less correct. Nice photo!