Sunday, February 1, 2009

Theme Day: Paths and Passages

This month theme is Path and Passages.

This path was taken on a nearby mountain....what can be at the end of it???

To check the paths all over the world, click here .

El tema del mes es Caminos y Pasajes.

Este camino fué tomado en una montaña cercana... ¿¿a dónde lleva??

Para ver los caminos del mundo haz click aquí .

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


Julie said...

a great choice for theme day as it makes me want to walk down this path. Happy Theme day!

Anonymous said...

Your path is beautiful in this photograph.

my Memories
I wrote in my Memories blog about the roads of my youth and how they were to travel in the winter time.

Jilly said...

A beautiful path through a forest. Love paths that meander and you don't know where you'll end up.