Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Red Hot Science

This is the entrance to the Museo Horno 3 (The Steel Museum, previously posted here) .

The motto that is below the name translates to “Red Hot Science and Technology”.

Inside the museum there is a simulation of how this structure functioned when it was in use, melting the minerals to produce steel.

Esta es la entrada al Museo Horno 3 (aquí hay más fotos).

La frase del Museo es “Ciencia y Tecnología al Rojo Vivo”

Dentro del museo hay una simulación de cómo funcionaba el horno cuando era parte de la Fundidora, y explica el proceso de aleación de los minerales para producir el acero.


Anonymous said...

The sign is really nice. I think who ever made it knew what he or she was doing.

Jane Hards Photography said...

It is very striking