Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Completely In Spanish - Traditional Dances Series 1.3

Before their performance a brief explanation of each dance was told by the master of ceremonies.

He told about this group from Campeche that they had a strong Spanish influence in their dance, therefore the fans in their hands. I happen to notice an ad about an expo of artifacts and sculptures of Spain and took this photo from an angle where it shows. You can see in the back “España” which is Spain in Spanish.

This post is part of a series about a regional dances show, you can see the previous posts here.

Antes de que comenzaran el maestro de ceremonias dió una pequeña explicación de cada baile.

Dijo acerca de este grupo de Campeche que tenían una fuerte influencia Española en sus bailes, de ahí los abanicos. Me dí cuenta de un anuncio para una exposición de esculturas y artefactos españoles y tomé esta foto desde un ángulo donde se viera. Pueden verlo en la parte de atrás entre las bailarinas.

Esto es parte de una serie acerca de un espectáculo de bailes regionales, pueden ver los previos aquí.

1 comment:

Tash said...

This is so beautiful! Lovely women & a nice photo of them.