Two months ago the Rubber Ducky Charity Race was held at Paseo Santa Lucía. Here are some photos of the buildup to the race.
I wasn't able to upload anything for this event before because of some technical difficulties but finally here they are!! Hope you like them.
This one is when the rubber duckies were dropped into the river to start the race. On the next few days there will be more coming.
Hace dos meses se realizó la Carrera del Patito de Hule a Beneficiencia en el Paseo Santa Lucía. Aquí hay algunas fotos de la promoción de la carrera.
No había podido subir nada del evento por algunos problemas técnicos pero ¡¡finalmente aquí están!! Espero les gusten.
Esta es cuando los patitos de hule fueron soltados al río para iniciar la carrera. En los siguientes días pondré más de la carrera.
My curiosity is killing me! Did all the duckies make it into the river? And what happens to them once they hit the water? How does the race work? Are there people involved or is it just duck against duck? :-)
Wow! Glad you could capture that moment!
I will wait for your answer to sareeta questions... :-)
It must have been a huge race to need a container and a crane to launch the ducks. The last I saw involved around 200 emptied from a couple of sacks.
Thanks for visiting!
saretta & jm - I think that maybe 10-20 out of a few thousand didn't make it... You'll get more details on how this works in the next days :)
hyde dp - you;re right it was huge... this year there were some 30,000 duckies “competing”
What a hoot! I couldn't imagine what was being dropped in this photograph. Nice shot - you really captured the moment.
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