Saturday, August 30, 2008

Just One More - Rubber Ducky Race - Series 2.3

Here is the last post about this year's Rubber Ducky Race. This is a closeup from part of the duckies patienty floating in the river,  it was just to good to let it pass.

You can see all the related posts here.

Este es la última foto de la Carrera del Patito de Hule de este año. Es un acercamiento de parte de los patitos flotando pacientemente en el río, era demasiado bueno para dejarlo pasar.

Pueden ver todas las entradas relacionadas aquí.


Jerez Sherry said...

I hope that comment went through.. (i'm not good at these letters being typed in) Yeah, go Ducks!

RaleighKat said...

What a great way to raise money for charity. Thanks for capturing it!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Great picc, great event.

rc said...

Glad you liked it!!!

Thanks for stopping by...

Lo said...

This is a great pic! colorful and humorous!