This is memorabilia from the Little Giants, which was the first international team to win the Little League World Series in 1957. They were a team from Monterrey and most of the then under 12 kids were born here.
They won the championship with a perfect game by Angel Macías. Here is their story by the Major League Baseball website.
A movie with their story was made, known as "Little Giants" in the box office or "How tall is a Giant?" when it was shown on TV, this movie featured the acting of the manager and some of the original players; another movie is in the works for the near future.
Taken inside the Mexican Baseball Hall of Fame, located in the Gardes of Cerveceria Cuauhtemoc (Brewery).
You can see the previous posts here.
Estos son recuerdos de los Pequeños Gigantes, que fue el primer equipo internacional en ganar la Serie Mundial de Ligas Pequeñas en 1956. Era un equipo de Monterrey y la mayoría de los entonces menores de 12 años eran de aquí.
Ganaron el campeonato con un juego perfecto del pitcher Angel Macías.
Se hizo una película con su historia llamada "Pequeños Gigantes" donde actuaron el manager y algunos de los jugadores del equipo; otra se está grabando para salir proximamente.
Tomada en el Salón de la Fama del Beisbol Profesional de México, que está en los jardines de Cervecería Cuauhtémoc.
Pueden ver las partes anteriores aquí.
1 comment:
An impressive collection about the sport. Influence from the States would only be natural, I suppose, it must be an exciting game that I know very little of.
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