Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Circus is in Town!

Here is the circus with the Cerro de la Silla (Saddle Hill) in the background.

What is special about this is that is installed in riverbank of the Santa Catarina River. As I told you a few days ago this river has been dry for many years. However every 15-20 years there is a hurricane that fills part of the river. That is why they left a canal seen on the left side.

There are many other uses given to the riverbanks, I'll show those later.

Aquí está el circo con el Cerro de la Silla de fondo.

Lo especial de esto es que está instalado en el fondo del Río Santa Catarina. Como les dije hace algunos días este río ha estado seco por muchos años, aunque cada 15-20 años hay algún huracán que llena parte del río. Para eso dejaron el canal que se ve del lado izquierdo.

Hay muchos otros usos que se le dan al fondo del río, se los mostraré después.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. This is a nice scene. That splash of color makes the photography beyond good.

Abraham Lincoln in Brookville, Ohio now playing the part of Mrs. Zac Efron's employee.