Monday, March 24, 2008

What do You See?? You Might want to Check Again...

What do you see in this painting?? The face and shoulders of Don Quixote??... or Don Quixote on his horse with Sancho Panza and a Windmill on the background??

This is a banner in the State Central Library is a replica of  the “The Visions of the Quixote”,   made by the Mexican painter Octavio Ocampo (follow the link to check his gallery).

His paintings show at least 2 different interpretations at plain sight, always making the observer think while contemplating them.

¿¿Que ven en esta pintura?? ¿¿La cabeza y hombros de Don Quijote??...¿ o  Don Quijote montando con Sancho Panza y un Molino detrás?

Esta es una reproducción de la pintura “Las Visiones del Quijote” en la Biblioteca Central del Estado, hecha por el pintor mexicano Octavio Ocampo (sigan el vínculo para ver su galería).

Sus pinturas muestran al menos 2 interpretaciones distintas a la vista, haciendo que el observador siempre piense mientras las observa.


Anonymous said...

Wow. This is a knight on a horse in front of a castle. It took me a while to un cross my eyes but once I did there he is. Nice shot.

Have a nice week.

Abraham Lincoln in Brookville, Ohio

Carraol said...

Muy interesante el trabajo de Ocampo, gracias por compartirlo. Saludos.