Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Happy Children's Day!!!

Today is Children's Day in Mexico. 

In the schools and, of curse, the stores it'll be activities, parades or shows to/by kids to enjoy their day.

So here it is for the kid inside of you,  these are cupcakes specially made to be appealling for children.

Hoy es el Día del Niño en México.

En las escuelas y, por supuesto, las tiendas habrá actividades, desfiles y espectáculos para/por niños para que disfruten su día.

Así que aquí tienen para el niño dentro de ustedes, estos pasteles hechos especialmente para agradar a los niños.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A Rose is a Rose is a...

This is part of an exhibition compiled of artwork made by Mexican Women or Women who live most of their lives in Mexico.

And is fully made of...... you guessed right!! Roses!!! 

Pretty nice, and long as it repeats a couple of times.

Esto es parte de una exhibición de obras hechas por Mujeres Mexicanas o Mujeres que vivieron la mayor parte de su vida en México.

Y está hecha completamente de...... adivinaste!! Rosas!!!

Muy interensante, y extensa ya que se repita algunas veces.

Monday, April 28, 2008

The Sunset of the Month

Since we are in the last days of the month, here is a sunset for all of you.

Hope you like it.

Ya que estamos en los últimos días del mes, aquí les dejo este atardecer.

Espero les guste.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

No Horsing Around

This sculpture is from Colombian artist Fernando Botero. It is placed at the Macroplaza, right in front of the  State Government Offices.

Botero is known for his fat subjects, although he states that he doesn't make them fat but exaggerates their muscles to make them more appealing to the viewer.  Is it really? What do you think? 

Esta escultura es del artista colombiano Fernando Botero. Está en la Macroplaza, justo frente al Palacio de Gobierno del Estado.

Botero es conocido por sus sujetos gordos, aunque el dice que no los hace gordos sino que exagera su musculatura para hacerlos más agradables al espectador. ¿Será? ¿Qué opinas?

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Built on Beer

This is one of the office buildings of Cerveceria Cuauhtemoc (Cuauhtemoc Brewery), which is local based and one of the top 2 in Mexico.

You can see a little bit of the company's history or some of the past posts. They started in 1890 and this sure is a well preserved building, altough not from that year but a few later most likely with the earnings from beer sales.

Este es uno de los edificios de oficinas de Cervercería Cuauhtémoc, que es una empresa local y una de las mejores 2 de México.

Pueden ver un poco de su historia o de las entradas anteriores. Empezaron en 1890 y este edificio está muy bien conservado, aunque no fue precisamente construido en ese año sino un poco después muy posiblemente con las utilidades de la venta de cerveza.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Get Inside

This is part of Fundidora Park. 

As I told you before, this used to be a Steel Foundry that closed in the 80s and was converted into a Park for the City.

You can see this sculture, which is supposed to be “doors” or a tunnel inside the park. Also on the right side you can see the hotel (Holiday Inn) located inside the park, just by the racing track.

Here you can see some of the past posts with other highlights of the Fundidora Park.

Esto es parte del Parque Fundidora. 

Como les mencioné antes, esto era una Fundidora de Acero que cerró en los 80s y fue convertida en un parque para la Ciudad.

Pueden ver esta escultura, que se supone que son puertas o un túnel dentro del parque. También del lado derecho pueden ver el hotel (Holiday Inn) que está dentro del parque, justo a un lado de la pista de carreras.

Aquí pueden ver algunos de las publicaciones anteriores con detalles del Parque Fundidora.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Botero's Abu Ghraib

Haven't had the chance to post this before. Almost a month ago Botero's Abu Ghraib exhibition left the City to return to Berkeley, California. Fernando Botero is a master Colombian painter, known for painting, or sculpting, his subjects as fat people/animals.

It's certainly a crude and chilling expo because of the theme: the tortures at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison. That's why I rather take a picture of the title instead of any painting.

Botero's main goal with this exhibition was to do for Abu Ghraib what Picasso did for Guernica.

You can check this article by the Washington Post for an in depth review.

No había tenido la oportunidad de publicar esto antes. Hace casi un mes, la exhibición Abu Ghraib de Botero dejó la Ciudad para regresar a Berkeley, California. Fernando Botero es un maestro pintor y escultor colombiano, que es conocido por sus sujetos “gordos”.

Realmente es una exposición con un tema crudo y escalofriante: las torturas en la prisión Iraquí de Abu Ghraib. Por eso preferí tomarle una foto al título en lugar de alguna de las pinturas.

El principal objetivo de Botero con esta exhibición era hacer para Abu Ghraib lo que Picasso hizo por Guernica.

Pueden ver este artículo para más información de la exhibición

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Is this a Sculpture??

This is at Valle Oriente (Eastern Valley). 

When the zone was developed some 15-20 years ago, a couple of these were installed thru the main avenue. They are a “V” and an “O” which stand for Valle Oriente, so the name could be easily remembered, I guess.

Could this be considered a sculpture??

Esta está en Valle Oriente.

Cuando la zona fué desarrollada hace unos 15-20 años, algunas de estas fueron instaladas en la avenida principal. Son una “V” y una “O” que significan Valle Oriente, me imagino que para que se acordaran fácilmente del nombre.

¿¿Se le puede llamar una escultura??

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earth Day

According to Wikipedia, Earth Day was proposed the US in the late 60s and is being celebrated in many countries. In Mexico is not celebrated officially, but it's a good idea to be aware of the environment.

Just a couple of thoughts about it:

No shade tree? Blame not the sun, but yourself.
-- Chinese proverb

What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.
-- Mahatma Gandhi

The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is now.
-- Anonymous

Según Wikipedia, el Día de la Tierra fue propuesto en los Estados Unidos a finales de los 60s y se celebra en muchos países. En México no se celebra oficialmente, aunque es una buena idea el estar conscientes del medio ambiente.

Algunos pensamientos relacionados:

¿No hay árboles con sombra? No culpes al Sol, sino a tí.
-- Proverbio Chino

Lo que le estamos haciendo a los bosques del mundo es un reflejo de lo que nos estamos haciendo a nosotros mismos y el uno al otro.
-- Mahatma Gandhi

El mejor momento para plantar un árbol es hace 20 años. El segundo mejor momento es ahora.
-- Anónimo

Monday, April 21, 2008

New and Old Landmarks

These are some of the newest and oldest landmarks in the City.

The new ones, built in the last 10 years, are the “Purple Towers” and the bridge located on the left of them. The old ones are some of the mountains the City always has been known for. In this case is La Huasteca on the background.

Estos son algunos de los monumentos más nuevos y antiguos en la Ciudad.

Los nuevos, construidos en los últimos 10 años, son las “Torres Moradas” y el puente a la izquierda de ellas. Los más antiguos son algunas de las montañas por las que la Ciudad siempre ha sido conocida. En este caso aparece atrás La Huasteca.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Make It Happen, Believe in You

This was taken right outside of the Mayor's Office.

The Ad behind the statue, above the trees, says “Make It Happen, Believe in You”, great phrase for a Bank Ad.

The bank is Banorte, which is a national bank based in Monterrey and that its the largest bank funded exclusively by Mexican investment (or so they say).

Esta foto fué tomada afuera de la Alcaldía.

El anuncio detrás de la estatua, arriba de los árboles, dice “Haz que Suceda, Cree en Tí”, una gran frase para un anuncio de bancos.

El banco es Banorte, que es un banco nacional basado en Monterrey y que es el banco más grande con capital 100% mexicano (o al menos eso dicen).

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Don't Stop the Music

Taken at an elementary school's music department.

It doesn't matter how much technology advances, some things remain always the same.

Tomada en el salón de música de una primaria.

No importa cuanto avance la tecnología, algunas cosas siempre siguen igual.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Easter/Spring Parade and Expo - Part 6

A couple of Sundays ago there was an Easter/Spring Parade.

It was also a chance to make Easter Eggs designs & decorations and put them on a park so the people going to the parade could check them out.

I've posted since last week some of those and today is the last of the series.

This egg is asking for Peace and Love. Is it too much to ask?

Hace 2 domingos hubo un desfile de Pascua/Primavera.

Aprovecharon para exponer diseños y decoraciones de Huevos de Pascua y ponerlos en un parque para que la gente que iba al desfile los pudiera ver.

Publiqué algunos la semana pasada y hoy es el último de la serie.

En este huevo piden por Amor y Paz. ¿Es mucho pedir?

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Easter/Spring Parade and Expo - Part 5

A couple of Sundays ago there was an Easter/Spring Parade.

It was also a chance to make Easter Eggs designs & decorations and put them on a park so the people going to the parade could check them out.

I've posted since last week some of those and will continue until tomorrow so you could also appreciate them.

This is one of the “celebrities” waving to the crowd.

Hace 2 domingos hubo un desfile de Pascua/Primavera.

Aprovecharon para exponer diseños y decoraciones de Huevos de Pascua y ponerlos en un parque para que la gente que iba al desfile los pudiera ver.

Publiqué algunos la semana pasada y hasta mañana vendrá uno más para que ustedes también los puedan ver.

Esta es una de las “Celebridades” saludando a la gente.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Easter/Spring Parade and Expo - Part 4

A couple of Sundays ago there was an Easter/Spring Parade.

It was also a chance to make Easter Eggs designs & decorations and put them on a park so the people going to the parade could check them out.

I've posted since last week some of those and will continue for a few days so you could also appreciate them.

I really liked this one, it was very well thought and done.

Hace 2 domingos hubo un desfile de Pascua/Primavera.

Aprovecharon para exponer diseños y decoraciones de Huevos de Pascua y ponerlos en un parque para que la gente que iba al desfile los pudiera ver.

Publiqué algunos la semana pasada y esta semana vendrán algunos más para que ustedes también los puedan ver.

Este es uno de los que más me gustaron, muy bien pensado y hecho.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

New Metro Station

This is one of the newest Metro Stations in the City, right beside the Nuevo Leon's Autonomous University (UANL - Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon) the State University. 

They all have this wavy kind of style and had been cause of protests since the City Council decided to make this Metro line over the streets reducing the space to drive. Also it took a couple of years to complete in which the streets were almost closed entirely.

Esta es una de las nuevas estaciones de Metro en la Ciudad, justo al lado de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL), la Universidad Estatal.

Todas las estaciones nuevas tienen este estilo ondulado y han causado protestas debido a que la Ciudad decidió hacer esta línea de Metro sobre la calle, reduciendo el espacio para manejar. También estuvo en construcción durante casi 2 años en los que la calle estuvo cerrada casi por completo.

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Truck is a...

This is the follow up to yesterday's post.

This truck was made by a Cleveland, Ohio sewing machine company, well kind of, it later expanded to other business as cars and trucks.

The make and model of the truck appears at the front, it is a 1917 White, which later became part of Volvo and then of GMC.

Esta es la continuación a la entrada de ayer.

Esta camioneta la hizo una compañía de máquinas de coser de Cleveland, Ohio, o algo así, ya que después entró a otros negocios como los carros y las camionetas.

La marca y modelo de la camioneta aparece al frente, es un White 1917, que después se convirtió en parte de Volvo y después de General Motors.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Do you know about cars?

Took this photo at Cerveceria Cuauhtemoc, the local brewery and one of the 2 biggest in Mexico. 

This is the first truck used to deliver the beer, note they left the barrels at the back.

Do anyone knows what brand and/or year the truck is??  The answer will come tomorrow.

Hint, the brewery was founded in 1890 and the truck model is at least 20 years older.

Tomé esta foto en Cervecería Cuauhtémoc, la cervecería local y una de las 2 más grandes de México. 

Esta es la primer camioneta que usaron para repartir cerveza, hasta dejaron algunos barriles atrás.

¿Alguien sabe que marca y/o año es la camioneta? La respuesta vendrá mañana.

Una pista, Cervecería fue fundada en 1890 y la camioneta es al menos 20 años posterior.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

This is our Coat (of Arms)

This is the Coat of Arms of the State of Nuevo Leon, for which Monterrey is the capital.

Until 1943 the State used the same Coat of Arms as Monterrey, but in that year this one was designed.

A quick explanation:

The top left square has the Sun raising over the Saddle Hill (Cerro de la Silla) with an orange tree, which is a well grown tree in the region.

The top right square is the Coat of Arms from Leon, Spain for  which the name of the State was given, originally the New Kingdom of Leon. Nuevo Leon stands for New Leon in spanish.

The bottom left square has the San Francisco convent, which simbolizes the culture of the State.

The bottom right square has 5 smoking chimneys that represent the industry.

At the center there's another shield that stands for goodness.

In the side of the frame there are weapons, on one side the ones used by the original inhabitants and on the other the ones from spanish conquers.

At the top of the frame there are 6 bees, that represent the working culture of the people of Nuevo Leon.

Finally, at the bottom there's the motto “Semper Ascendens” which is latin for Always Rising.

Este es el Escudo de Armas del Estado de Nuevo León, del cual Monterrey es la capital.

Hasta 1943 el Estado usó el mismo Escudo que Monterrey, pero en ese año se diseñó este.

Una rápida explicación de lo que significa:

En el cuadro superior izquierdo aparece el Sol saliendo sobre el Cerro de la Silla con un naranjo abajo, que es uno de los árboles que mejor se dan en la región.

En el cuadro superior derecho está el Escudo de Armas de León, España que es de donde se le dió el nombre al Estado, originalmente Nuevo Reino de León, hoy Nuevo León.

En el cuadro inferior izquierdo aparece el convento de San Francisco que simboliza la cultura del Estado.

El cuadro inferior derecho tiene 5 chimeneas humeantes que significan la industria.

En el centro hay otro escudo que simboliza la bondad.

A los lados del marco hay armas, del lado izquierdo las usadas por los habitantes originales y del lado derecho la de los conquistadores españoles.

En la parte de arriba del marco aparecen 6 abejas, que simbolizan la cultura del trabajo de los neoleoneses.

Finalmente, bajo el escudo aparece la leyenda “Semper Ascendens” que significa Siempre Ascendiendo, en latín.

Friday, April 11, 2008

The Mascot

This is a sculpture of Tec de Monterrey's Mascot, a Ram.

The sport teams are known as the Wild Rams (Borregos Salvajes). The most sucessful is the American Football program which has reached the Championship Game the last 12 seasons, winning 8 of those.

Esta es una escultura de la mascota del Tec de Monterrey, el Borrego.

Los equipos representativos se conocen como los Boregos Salvajes. El equipo más exitoso es el de Futbol Americano que ha llegado al Juego de Campeonato las últimas 12 temporadas, ganando 8 títulos.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Are They Missing Something?

Baseball season is in full swing, both here and in the US, so this is a guide with all the signals (or so they claim) that baseball umpires and  managers do.

This was taken inside the Mexican Baseball Hall of Fame, which is located inside Cerveceria Cuauhtemoc Moctezuma (Cuauhtemoc Moctezuma Brewery).

La temporada de beisbol está en pleno apogeo, tanto en EEUU como aquí, así que esta es la guía con todas las señales (o al menos eso es lo que dicen) que los ampayers y managers hacen.

Está foto la tomé dentro del Salón de la Fama del Beisbol Mexicano, que se encuentra dentro de Cervecería Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Easter/Spring Parade and Expo - Part 3

This past Sunday there was an Easter/Spring Parade.

It was also a chance to make Easter Eggs designs & decorations and put them on a park so the people going to the parade could check them out.

I've posting since Monday some of those and will continue next week with a couple more.

This egg has a few kids telling what their rights are. The kids say: I got right to peace, family, love and health.

El domingo pasado hubo un desfile de Pascua/Primavera.

Aprovecharon para exponer diseños y decoraciones de Huevos de Pascua y ponerlos en un parque para que la gente que iba al desfile los pudiera ver.

Empecé a publicar algunos a partir del lunes y seguiré la siguiente semana con algunos más para que ustedes también los puedan ver.

En este huevo los niños dicen cuales son sus derechos: a la paz, al amor, a la familia y a la salud.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Easter/Spring Parade and Expo - Part 2

This past Sunday there was an Easter/Spring Parade.

It was also a chance to make Easter Eggs designs & decorations and put them on a park so the people going to the parade could check them out.

I've posting since Monday some of those and will continue for the next few days so you could also appreciate them.

This one has a few flowers and birds (the little ones are carried by a bunny).

El domingo pasado hubo un desfile de Pascua/Primavera.

Aprovecharon para exponer diseños y decoraciones de Huevos de Pascua y ponerlos en un parque para que la gente que iba al desfile los pudiera ver.

Empecé a publicar algunos a partir del lunes y en los siguientes días vendrán más para que ustedes también los puedan ver.

Este es un carro con algunas flores y pájaros (los chiquitos los está cargando un conejo).

Monday, April 7, 2008

Easter/Spring Parade and Expo - Part 1

There was an Easter/Spring Parade yesterday. 

It was also a chance to make Easter Eggs designs & decorations and put them on a park so the people going to the parade could check them out.

I'll post some of those today and in the next few days so you could also appreciate them.

This one has two bunnies finishing the final details, and also posing for the photo! 

Ayer hubo un desfile de Pascua/Primavera.

Aprovecharon para exponer diseños y decoraciones de Huevos de Pascua y ponerlos en un parque para que la gente que iba al desfile los pudiera ver.

Voy a publicar algunos hoy y en los siguientes días para que ustedes también los puedan observar.

Este tiene a 2 conejos terminando los últimos detalles, ¡y también posando para la foto!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

A Nice Weekend

This is the La Boca Dam, where you can see the water stored among mountains.

Is a 30 minute trip from the city, there you can enjoy fishing, water skiing and related activities. 

Esta es la Presa de La Boca, donde pueden ver el agua acumulada entre las montañas.

Está a 30 minutos de la ciudad, ahí pueden disfrutar actividades acuáticas como pesca, esquiar en agua y otras relacionadas. 

Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Circus is in Town!

Here is the circus with the Cerro de la Silla (Saddle Hill) in the background.

What is special about this is that is installed in riverbank of the Santa Catarina River. As I told you a few days ago this river has been dry for many years. However every 15-20 years there is a hurricane that fills part of the river. That is why they left a canal seen on the left side.

There are many other uses given to the riverbanks, I'll show those later.

Aquí está el circo con el Cerro de la Silla de fondo.

Lo especial de esto es que está instalado en el fondo del Río Santa Catarina. Como les dije hace algunos días este río ha estado seco por muchos años, aunque cada 15-20 años hay algún huracán que llena parte del río. Para eso dejaron el canal que se ve del lado izquierdo.

Hay muchos otros usos que se le dan al fondo del río, se los mostraré después.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Can You Tell What Time is It?

This is a sundial located in the Macroplaza. These devices can tell the time by showing the shadow that the sun produces, you can see the roman numerals on the back. 

It was installed in the 80s, as a gift from Monterrey's astronomers association. 

The only problem is that the trees surrounding it grew enough to cast a shadow most of the day, so it became a sculpture.

Este reloj solar está en la Macroplaza. Estos relojes pueden mostrar la hora por la sombra que el sol produce, se pueden ver los números romanos en la parte de atrás.

Fué instalado en los 80s, donado por la sociedad astronómica de Monterrey.

El único problema es que los árboles que lo rodean crecieron lo suficiente para dejarlo en sombra la mayor parte del día, así que lo convirtieron en una escultura. 

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Welcome Crew

This is the entrance to the Mexican History Museum (For a virtual visit Museo de Historia Mexicana).

These two colorful sculputures welcome the visitors.

It has 2 floors, on the first they got paintings and sculptures on a rotating basis. The second floor is dedicated to Mexican History, from the first settlers up to the XX Century.

Esta es la entrada al Museo de Historia Mexicana. Pueden ver el interior del museo.

Estos dos coloridos personajes le dan la bienvenida a los visitantes.

Tiene 2 pisos, en el primero hay pinturas y esculturas cambiando un par de veces al año. El segundo piso está dedicado a la Historia Mexicana, desde los primeros habitantes hasta el Siglo XX.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Third Anniversary...

Today, 3 years ago Pope John Paul II passed away.

He was maybe the most charismatic Pope in history and certainly the most popular, even compared to rock or movie stars. He traveled all around the Globe, visiting Monterrey twice.

The two monuments at the left of the picture were installed for His second visit, from there He addressed some hundreds of thousand gathered at the Santa Catarina River (that has been dry for many years).

According to Wikipedia:
“During his pontificate, Pope John Paul II made trips to 117 countries. In total he logged more than 1.1 million km (725,000 miles). He consistently attracted large crowds on his travels, some amongst the largest ever assembled in human history”.

Hoy, hace 3 años, falleció el Papa Juan Pablo II.

El fué tal vez el Papa más carismático de la historia y sin duda el más popular, incluso comparado con estrellas de rock o del cine. Viajó alrededor del Mundo, visitando Monterrey 2 veces.

Los 2 monumentos a la izquierda de la foto fueron instalados para Su segunda visita, desde ahí habló para cientos de miles reunidos en el Río Santa Catarina (que ha estado seco por muchos años).

De acuerdo a Wikipedia:
“Durante su pontificado, el Papa Juan Pablo II viajó a 117 países. En total acumuló mas de 1.1 millones de kilómetros (725,000 millas). El reunió consistentemente enormes multitudes durante sus viajes, algunas entre las más numerosas de la historia”.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Theme Day: Water

This month theme is water. Can it burn?? 

This photo is from the basement of a fountain during sunset.  Really liked how the sun was dissorted by the flow.

This month 178 blogs participate in the Theme Day, check out some of their great photos in the links below.

El tema del mes es agua. ¿¿Puede arder?? 

Esta foto es del nivel inferior de una fuente al atardecer. Me gustó como el sol se distorsionó por la caída del agua.

Este mes 178 blogs participan en el Tema del Día, vean algunas de sus magníficas fotos en los siguientes vínculos.

theme day id=13

Adelaide, Australia by Gordon, Albuquerque (NM), USA by Helen, American Fork (UT), USA by Annie, Anderson (SC), USA by Lessie, Ararat, Australia by Digger, Arradon, France by Alice, Ashton under Lyne, UK by Pennine, Athens, Greece by Debbie, Auckland, New Zealand by Lachezar, Austin (TX), USA by LB, Bandung, Indonesia by Guntur Purwanto, Barton (VT), USA by Andree, Belgrade, Serbia & Montenegro by Paja, Belgrade, Serbia & Montenegro by Bibi, Bellefonte (PA), USA by Barb-n-PA, Bicheno, Australia by Greg, Bogor, Indonesia by Gagah, Boston (MA), USA by Fenix - Bostonscapes, Boston (MA), USA by Cluelessinboston, Boston (MA), USA by Sarah, Whit, & Leyre, Brighton, UK by Harvey, Brookville (OH), USA by Abraham, Budapest, Hungary by Zannnie and Zsolt, Budapest, Hungary by Isadora, Canterbury, UK by Rose, Cape Town, South Africa by Kerry-Anne, Chandler (AZ), USA by Melindaduff, Chateaubriant, France by Bergson, Cheltenham, UK by Marley, Chicago (IL), USA by b.c., Christchurch, New Zealand by Michelle, Clearwater (FL), USA by Smaridge01, Clearwater Beach (FL), USA by Smaridge01, Cleveland (OH), USA by iBlowfish, Coral Gables (FL), USA by Jnstropic, Cypress (TX), USA by Riniroo, Dallas/Fort Worth (TX), USA by A Wandering Soul, Dunedin (FL), USA by Smaridge01, Durban, South Africa by CrazyCow, East Gwillimbury, Canada by Your EG Tour Guide, Evry, France by Olivier, Glasgow, Scotland by Jackie, Greenville (SC), USA by Denton, Grenoble, France by Bleeding Orange, Guelph, Canada by Pat, Gun Barrel City (TX), USA by Lake Lady, Hamilton, New Zealand by Sakiwi, Hampton (VA), USA by ptowngirl, Haninge, Sweden by Steffe, Helsinki, Finland by Kaa, Hobart, Australia by Greg, Hyde, UK by Old Hyde, Inverness (IL), USA by Neva, Jackson (MS), USA by Halcyon, Jakarta, Indonesia by Santy, Jefferson City (MO), USA by Chinamom2005, Jogjakarta, Indonesia by Jogja Portrait, Joplin (MO), USA by Victoria, Juneau (AK), USA by Gwyn, Katonah (NY), USA by Inkster1, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia by Edwin, Kyoto, Japan by Tadamine, Lake Forest Park (WA), USA by Azure, Larchmont (NY), USA by Marie-Noyale, Las Vegas (NV), USA by Mo, Lisbon, Portugal by Sailor Girl, Lisbon, Portugal by Maria João, Lodz, Poland by ritalounge, London, UK by Mo, London, UK by Ham, Mainz, Germany by JB, Maple Ridge, Canada by Susan, Marseille, France by Alex, Mazatlan, Mexico by Kate, Melbourne, Australia by John, Melbourne, Australia by Mblamo, Memphis (TN), USA by SouthernHeart, Menton, France by Jilly, Mexico City, Mexico by Carraol, Mexico City, Mexico by Poly, Minneapolis (MN), USA by Greg, Minneapolis (MN), USA by Mitch, Minsk, Belarus by Olga, Monrovia (CA), USA by Keith, Monte Carlo, Monaco by Jilly, Montego Bay, Jamaica by Ann, Monterrey, Mexico by rafa, Moscow, Russia by Irina, Mumbai, India by Magiceye, Mumbai, India by MumbaiiteAnu, Mumbai, India by Kunalbhatia, Nancy, France by yoshi, Naples (FL), USA by Isabella, Nashville (TN), USA by Chris, Nelson, New Zealand by Meg and Ben, New Orleans (LA), USA by steve buser, New York City (NY), USA by Ming the Merciless, Niamey, Niger by Dinabee, Norfolk (VA), USA by ptowngirl, Norman (OK), USA by Chad & LaCresha, Norwich, UK by Goddess888, Nottingham, UK by Gail's Man, Odense, Denmark by ania odense, Omsk, Russia by Nataly, Orlando (FL), USA by OrlFla, Oslo, Norway by Lothiane, Paderborn, Germany by Soemchen, Paris, France by Eric, Paris, France by Gordio, Pasadena (CA), USA by Can8ianben, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia by Murphy_jay, Pilisvörösvár, Hungary by Elise, Pont-à-Mousson, France by Tintin-j, Port Angeles (WA), USA by Jelvistar, Port Elizabeth, South Africa by Sam, Port Townsend (WA), USA by raf, Port Vila, Vanuatu by Mblamo, Portland (ME), USA by Corey, Portland (OR), USA by NWgal, Portsmouth (VA), USA by ptowngirl, Prague, Czech Republic by Honza03, Quincy (MA), USA by Cluelessinboston, Riga, Latvia by Prokur, Rotterdam, Netherlands by Ineke, Saarbrücken, Germany by LadyDemeter, Saigon, Vietnam by Simon, Saint Louis (MO), USA by Strangetastes, Saint Paul (MN), USA by Kate, Salem (OR), USA by jill, Salt Lake City (UT), USA by Eric, Salt Lake City (UT), USA by atc, San Diego (CA), USA by Felicia, San Francisco (CA), USA by PFranson, Seattle (WA), USA by Chuck, Seattle (WA), USA by Kim, Seguin (TX), USA by Thien, Selma (AL), USA by RamblingRound, Sequim (WA), USA by Eponabri, Sesimbra, Portugal by Aldeia, Setúbal, Portugal by Maria Elisa, Shanghai, China by Jing, Sharon (CT), USA by Jenny, Singapore, Singapore by Keropok, Sofia, Bulgaria by Antonia, St Francis, South Africa by Sam, Stavanger, Norway by Tanty, Stayton (OR), USA by Celine, Stockholm, Sweden by Stromsjo, Stouffville, Canada by Ken, Subang Jaya, Malaysia by JC, Suffolk (VA), USA by ptowngirl, Sunshine Coast, Australia by bitingmidge, Sydney, Australia by Nathalie, Sydney, Australia by Sally, Székesfehérvár, Hungary by Teomo, Tacloban City, Philippines by agnesdv, Terrell (TX), USA by Bstexas, Terrell (TX), USA by Jim K, The Hague, Netherlands by Lezard, Tokyo, Japan by Tadamine, Toruń, Poland by Torun Observer, Toulouse, France by Julia, Turin, Italy by Livio, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina by Jazzy, Twin Cities (MN), USA by Slinger, Victoria, Canada by Benjamin Madison, Vienna, Austria by G_mirage2, Virginia Beach (VA), USA by ptowngirl, Wailea (HI), USA by Kuanyin, Washington (DC), USA by Rachel, Wassenaar, Netherlands by Rich, Wellington, New Zealand by Jeremyb, West Paris (ME), USA by crittoria, West Sacramento (CA), USA by Barbara, Weston (FL), USA by WestonDailyPhoto, Williamsburg (VA), USA by ptowngirl, Willits (CA), USA by Elaine, Yardley (PA), USA by Mrlynn,