This is a replica of Michelangelo's David put at the top of a funtain.
Monterrey is surrounded by smaller cities that in the last 30 years have become a big Metroplex. Some of those cities are named after saints. This statue is located in San Pedro (Saint Peter).
Other cities are San Nicolas (Saint Nicholas), Santa Catarina (Saint Catherine) and Guadalupe (Named after the Virgin of Guadalupe).
Esta es una réplica del David de Miguel Angel, sobre una fuente.
Monterrey está rodeada por ciudades más pequeñas que en los últimos 30 años han formado una gran Metrópoli. Algunas de estas ciudades fueron nombradas en honor a santos. Esta estatua está en San Pedro.
Las otras ciudades son San Nicolás, Santa Catarina y Guadalupe (en honor a la Virgen de Guadalupe).
Very eye-catching image. Although David was king of Israel and not a Christian saint, you have given him the most intense possible halo.
That's a stunning image. It's not easy photographing into the sun, but you got this just right. Fabulous statue.
Thanks for the comments!!
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